Gj sentinel story about madeline cho
Gj sentinel story about madeline cho

"No," continued Blair mildly, meeting Jim's gaze with a wry expression. Jim reached for the receiver, but Blair laid a gently restraining hand on Jim's chest. No, I just grinned at him, slapped his back and said it was a nasty job but somebody had to do it.) (144) I didn't tell him it was easy when living with him meant enjoying the most incredibly astonishing, mind-melting, eye-rolling, thought-robbing, crotch-throbbing orgasms of my life and working with him meant my life was complete.

  • Ceiling: Unlimited by Bone (Brown took me aside once, a couple of months ago, and asked me how in the hell I took living with him and working with him.
  • "I'm quitting the Academy." Then I grab Jim's hand and sit back while they all start to shout at once.) (129) I look at Jim once, for courage, and continue. "I've got something I need to tell you." Simon's eyes narrow, and Megan tilts her head like she can hear my heart pounding its way through my chest.
  • Folie a Deux by Sihaya Black (I hold my beer tightly and take a deep breath.
  • Senses & Sensibility by Kass (The worst week of Jim Ellison's life started with a plate of scrambled eggs.) (119).
  • On A Good Day by Arduinna (Blair, without an ounce of compassion, sat there and ate his mashed potatoes at Jim until they were gone.) (109).
  • Blair was in the car, a gash across his forehead, blood running from his nose, head lolling back against the seat: neck broken.) (90)

    #Gj sentinel story about madeline cho cracked

    He raised his head to look at the cracked windshield and cringed in sudden horror. Paranoia by Francesca (He heard Blair whisper his name, he felt Blair's hand splayed against his back.I knew when he jerked off in the shower, and the days he jerked off in bed, instead.) (84) Bare by Mickey M (I knew that every third day he drank peppermint tea with breakfast, and every Thursday he ate two cheeseburgers for lunch."Ellison." His tone and the noise in the background suggested that he was in the bullpen. My hands were shaking as I dialed the phone. Writing on the Wall by Sandy Justine (All the lies that I had told myself were beginning to unravel, and I could see, clearly, what I had to do."Thanks." The word came out like an insult.) (60) I forgot my car was in the shop." Blair closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Change your mind?" The tone was almost acid. The Honeymooners by Penelope Whistle (As he was wiping his face with one hand and starting the engine with the other, he saw Blair's bedraggled head at the passenger-side window and unlocked the door.Analytically he decided he would collide about where the gas tank was on the big rig, and that everyone would think he'd fallen asleep at the wheel after a long shift.) (27) Sunrise, Sunset ( Part 1, Part 2) by Legion (Almost as if he were merely a spectator, he watched his own vehicle keep going, never hesitating for the stop light."You look like him too, only prettier." "Him?" "My partner.") (20) The Trap by Pumpkin ("You sound just like him," Jim told him quietly.Sociopathic equivalent of peeing on the chair leg.) (8) A crazed psychopath had slipped in and caught Jim unaware and killed him and thrown his jacket on the floor as a final triumphant sign of his victory. Definition of Okay by Glacis ("Jim? Buddy? You okay?" Visions of Lash were dancing in his head.Here's what we're going to do." He thrust his arm in Jim's general direction. At the Movies by Katrina Bowen ("Okay, Jim, I have a plan.Some names have been changed here to meet the author's current online usage, or stripped of last names if the author's current preference isn't known. Thank you all for being a part of this project! The authors and artist, of course, contributed both their amazing talents, and their patience throughout the editorial process and the deadlines that just kept moving a little further back. Merry contributed ideas regarding the style and look of the fanzine.

    gj sentinel story about madeline cho

    Without the three of them, we wouldn't have made it this far.

    gj sentinel story about madeline cho

    Shoshanna, Margie, and Celeste contributed theirĪmazing editorial and beta-reading skills to the process.

    gj sentinel story about madeline cho

    Crossroads has been in the works for over two years now, and during that time invaluable contributions towards putting it together have been made by a number of people.

    Gj sentinel story about madeline cho